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A new dual Sterilizer - IU

Clair has designed a new style UV dual sterilizer with Design Studio BOUD for easy access anytime, anywhere. IU can perform effective and eco-friendly sterilization by applying UV-C LED and UV-A LED dual lamp. In addition, CPI (Clear Plasma Ionizer) technology can ionize the air to remove harmful bacteria and dust. These two large functions can be conveniently controlled via a circular sliding button. A craft metaphor was applied with a small but high-level effect, simple shape and color. 


These two large functions can be conveniently controlled via a circular sliding button. 

A craft metaphor was applied with a small but high-level effect, simple shape and color. 


IU can perform effective and eco-friendly sterilization by applying UV-C LED and UV-A LED dual lamp


CPI (Clear Plasma Ionizer) technology can ionize the air to remove harmful bacteria 

and dust. We Designed with the desire for everyone to be a virus-free environment. 


Creative director - Sungho Park, Kitae
Designer - Kitae, Jinsu Du
Photography - Mezi
Model - Marvin Lee
Client - Clair

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